What About Bob? (1991)
- Information at Internet
Movie Database
- Themes
- Children/Childlike Figures as Mediators
- While the professional Dr. Marvin cannot relate to
his family nor maintain his personal integrity, the childlike Bob
creates relationships of integrity and serves as the cohesive force
in Dr. Marvin's family.
- Clean/Unclean
- The "clean" acceptable psychiatrist shows
that inside he is "unclean," while the "unclean"
Bob shows and develops his personal integrity.
- Determination, Persistence
- Bob continues to strive toward relationship and
health despite the psychiatrist's attempts to chase him away.
- Fathers/Father Figures
- The father figure (Dr. Marvin) is unable to relate
to his family, and probably to his patients in any meaningful way,
but the "flawed" son figure (Bob) is able to take the
"father's" theory and embody it in order to make it
- Integrity/Honor
- Although "honored" by society, the
psychiatrist consistently shows his lack of personal integrity,
while Bob, who is laughed at and pitied by society, shows his
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