Pay It Forward (2000)
- Information at Internet
Movie Database
Cinema in
Focus, a social and spiritual commentary by Hal Conklin and Denny Wayman.
- Hollywood
Jesus visual review
Movie Parables
- Roger
Ebert Review, Chicago Sun-Times
It Forward: A Pyramid Scheme of Benevolence," Steve Lansingh, TheFilmForum:
Christian Conversation about the Movies.
Values & Visions Video Guide: Pay It Forward, Frederic and Mary Ann
Brussat, Spirituality & Health - Spiritual Practices for Human Being.
Review, Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat, Spirituality & Health -
Spiritual Practices for Human Being.
- Themes
- Doers of the Word, Righteousness
- This is a great movie about living generously, of
the debt we owe to Christ that is to be repaid in service to others.
(Dennis Estill)
- Forgiveness/Reconciliation
- In "Pay it Forward", the Helen Hunt character goes to
her estranged Mother to "pay it forward" with her. In a very powerful
scene, Helen Hunt says "Mom, I forgive you." (Chris
Fry, Lexington, KY)
- Sacrifice
- The middle school boy sacrifices his life to live
the ideals of service and sacrifice he has as part of a school
project. (Betsy Skinner)
- In the film, "Pay It Forward" Trevor, a seventh-grader,
responds to the call of his Social Studies teacher to come up with a plan
to change the world and act on it. Turning "pay backs" upside down, he
devises, "pay it forward" wherein you seek to find three people who need
some help in a "really big" way and requiring some kind of sacrifice one
helps these three with the understanding that if they are helped they will
pay it forward to three more people...and the plan works in wonderful
ways, resulting in the death of the student who sacrifices his life for
one of his people. His compassionate heart is memorialized at the end of
the film as we see a long line of cars...people who have been touched by
this sacrifice who never knew him, but have experienced his compassion in
their lives through someone else. (Rev. Diane C.
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