Narrative Lectionary
Pentecost 21
October 18, 2015
Ruth 1:1-17
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of The Text This Week.
- Texts:
- 2015-2016 Narrative Lectionary Readings at Working Preacher. (.pdf)
- iCal file - XML file for 2015-2016 readings. (.ics file)
- Study and Preaching Resources:
- Commentary, Vanessa Lovelace, Working Preacher, 2015.
- Ruth, I Love to Tell The Story Podcast, Working Preacher, 2015.
- Narrative Lectionary Facebook Group - excellent discussion and resources.
- Lectionary Greek (and Hebrew), Rob Myallis, 2015.
- Worship Resources:
- Prayer and Worship Resources, 2015-2016.
- Word to Worship, contemporary songs based on Narrative Lectionary texts, 2015.
- Spill the Beans, Excellent preaching and worship resources, some free, some subscription, 2015.
- With Children:
- Playing Cards, Dollar Store Children's Sermons, 2015.
- The Text This Week RCL pages with resources for similar scriptures: